As the controversy about the International HHV-6 Protest at the July 23-26 HHV-6 Conference heats up at The Freie Universität Berlin, I hope you will uphold the awesome traditions of your great university. Many of your predecessors paid a heavy price for the right to think independently and speak their minds. They knew what real repression and resistance are. I am inspired by them.
As the first journalist to take the connection between AIDS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and HHV-6 seriously and as the President of HHV-6 University, an institution dedicated to the open and free discussion of the catastrophic HHV-6 pandemic, I am committed to helping foster an international debate about serious biomedical, political, and ethical issues that have been suppressed in the United States. HHV-6 is not just an interesting virus that should have little American-controlled conferences every couple of years. It is an international public health emergency and no small American research foundation should be allowed to control its research and narrative. Germany would be wise to ignore the American HHV-6 establishment and establish its own HHV-6 research effort independent of the fake science that has been coming out of America on HHV-6 and its relationship to public health emergencies like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and AIDS. And those two are just the tip of the HHV-6 iceberg. That's why I refer to HHV-6 as "The Fifty Shades of AIDS virus." (That's the title of my forthcoming book on HHV-6.)
While my major history of HIV fraud and the HHV-6 cover-up, Truth to Power, is available at Amazon in Germany here, I have made three of my books about America and France's HIV fraud and the HHV-6 cover-up completely free.
1) The Four Doctors of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Apocalypse
2) The Duesbergians: How a brave and brilliant group of scientists and intellectuals challenged the AIDS establishment and why they failed.
3) The Architects: How Three American Scientists Helped Create the Nazi Science of Holocaust II.
I hope you will make these books available to your entire faculty and student body. Your libraries should feel free to circulate them.
As the former publisher of one of the worlds most groundbreaking gay magazines (Christopher Street) and gay newspapers (New York Native), I know what it is like to be bullied. That is why I am not afraid of the AIDS and HHV-6 American medical establishment that is trying to silence free debate about HHV-6 and AIDS fraud. I hope that when some of them visit your university next week and try to control the discussion about AIDS fraud and the HHV-6 cover-up, that you will not be browbeaten by them. Just as America helped liberate Germany from Nazi science, I hope you and your colleagues will help liberate America from the totalitarian science involved in HIV fraud and the HHV-6 cover-up.
If any of you know editors at Der Spiegel, I urge you to bring this matter to their attention.
Thank you and I hope you have a lively time debating these matters during the HHV-6 Conference. Maybe The Freie Universität Berlin HHV-6 conference will become known as the moment in history when the truth about contagious HHV-6 was finally told and the lies about HIV finally came down like the Berlin Wall.
Charles Ortleb
P.S. One of the big issues about HHV-6 involves the animals it infects. Years ago a young scientist claimed that the discoverer of HHV-6, Robert Gallo, appropriated his work on African Swine Fever Virus and gave ASFV the new name of HHV-6. I have written a satirical Orwellian novel about this issue called Pig: A Memoir (available in Germany here) which involves a discussion of the new totalitarianism in science, especially American science. If HHV-6 is a pig virus and is related to ASFV, you should be very concerned because African Swine Fever may break out in Germany in the not too distant future. It is now in the Czech Republic. You can find out more about ASFV at African Swine Fever University which is here. While Americans have generally avoided looking at the possible connection between HHV-6 and pigs, your scientists could move the field forward by looking into the possibility that pigs are the best animal model for HHV-6. If you ask the scientists attending the HHV-6 Conference in Berlin, they will probably try to change the subject.
P.P.S. If HHV-6 researcher Dharam Ablashi and the Scientific Director of The HHV-6 Foundation attends the conference, you should ask him if his little research paper saying that HHV-6 is not African Swine Fever is reliable, or just more incompetence and fraud that came out of the laboratory of Dr. Robert Gallo, the crooked American researcher who Ablashi worked with closely for many years.
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