End the HIV Ponzi Scheme

Elements of a Scientific Ponzi Scheme like the Montagnier-Agut HIV Fraud Ponzi Scheme and HHV-6 Cover-up

A scientific Ponzi scheme begins with a central seminal or foundational scientific fraud and is  sometimes built on an infrastructure of smaller scientific frauds. Like the fake dividends issued in a strictly financial Ponzi scheme, a scientific Ponzi scheme issues fake dividends in the form of ongoing fraud-based research often framed as "breakthroughs" and bogus extrapolations which make it look like everything is above board and that what, in reality, is scientific fraud, appears to the rest of the scientific community and the public as good faith progress.

A classic scientific Ponzi scheme like the Montgnier-Agut HIV Fraud Ponzi Scheme and HHV-6 Cover-up include elements like these:

1. Nosological fraud.

2. Epidemiological fraud.

3. Virological fraud.

4. Treatment fraud.

5. Public health policy fraud.

6. Concealment of negative scientific data and paradigm-challenging anomalies.

7.  Use of an elite network of "old boys" and pseudo-activist provocateurs to censor critics and whistleblowers.

8. Chronic obscurantism.

9. If necessary, vigilantism and witch-hunts against any intellectuals, scientists, or citizens who constitute any form of resistance to the Ponzi scheme.

10. A subservient scientific press that is used as a conveyor belt for the Ponzi scheme's propaganda.

Everything always looks like it is working perfectly in a Ponzi scheme, until the moment comes when someone look at the books and blows the whistle.  Hopefully, that game-changing moment for the Montagnier-Agut HIV Fraud Ponzi Scheme and HHV-6 Cover-up is coming soon.

It's time to recognize that HHV-6A, HHV-6B, HHV-7 and HHV-8 all belong in a viral category of their own. Leaving them in the herpesvirus family trivializes their impact on public health and turns them into some kind of biomedical joke.

Here are the proposed new names for HHV-6A, HHV-6B, HHV-7 and HHV-8:

The AIDS Spectrum Viruses

HHV-6A should be called AIDS Spectrum Virus 1 (ARV-1)

HHV-6B should be called AIDS Spectrum Virus 2 (ARV-2)

HHV-7 should be called AIDS Spectrum Virus 3 (ARV-3)

HHV-8 should be called AIDS Spectrum Virus 4 (ARV-4)

 The name of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome should be changed to AIDS Spectrum Virus Syndrome 
(AIDS Virus Syndrome or ASVS.)

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It's time to end the HHV-6 Holocaust! Come to Freie Universität Berlin and help end the cover-up of the Chronic Fatigue Syndr...